Our Treatments

At Innovia, we provide a range of surgical and non-surgical hair loss treatments, so whether you need a hair transplant or non-surgical treatments, we’ve got you covered and will work to find the right treatment for you. 

Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant

Did you know a full beard often signifies maturity, attractiveness, and health? Our Beard Transplant services at Innovia Clinic can help you achieve that robust, fuller beard, enhancing both your appearance and self-esteem.

Struggling with a thin or patchy beard? You’re not alone. Our Beard Transplant procedure expertly transfers hair follicles from the scalp to the beard area, offering a solution for those who desire a thicker, more uniform beard. Embrace the confidence that comes with a well-groomed, full beard – let Innovia Clinic guide you there.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrows are key to defining your face and expression, but not everyone has the full, well-shaped brows they desire. Whether it’s due to genetics, over-plucking, or medical reasons, our Eyebrow Transplant services at Innovia Clinic are here to help.

Our Eyebrow Transplant is a meticulous procedure, transferring hair from a donor area, usually the back of the head, to the brow area. Perfect for those with sparse or missing eyebrows, this treatment creates natural-looking, fuller brows. Let us at Innovia Clinic help you enhance your facial aesthetics with beautifully restored eyebrows.


Platlet-Rich Plasma Therapy

According to studies published in Dermatologic Surgery and the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy can significantly stimulate hair regrowth in individuals experiencing hair loss. This treatment is a great option if you are looking for a non-surgical, natural approach to hair restoration

Our Platlet-Rich Plasma Therapy harnesses the power of your own blood’s healing properties. By extracting a small blood sample, concentrating the platelets and plasma, and reintroducing this mixture into your scalp, this innovative treatment can foster new hair growth, reduce hair loss, and enhance hair density. Choose Innovia Clinic for this alternative approach to achieving thicker, fuller hair.

Hair Loss Medication

Hair Loss Medication

At Innovia Clinic, we understand that surgery isn’t the only pathway to combating hair loss. For those seeking non-surgical options or looking to supplement other treatments, we offer proven hair loss medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Finasteride and Minoxidil are renowned for their effectiveness in treating hair loss. Finasteride works by preventing testosterone from converting into DHT, a hormone that can shrink hair follicles, while Minoxidil stimulates hair regrowth and can prevent further hair thinning.

Whether you’re exploring initial steps in hair restoration or seeking to enhance the results of other treatments, our medication options provide a flexible and accessible solution. Contact us today to guide you towards the best choice for your hair health and restoration goals.